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Nursery Uniform


Nursery uniform is non-compulsory, however, as part of our comittment to school readiness, we believe that  it is ideal for pre-school children to get used to wearing uniform before attending school. Therefore we offer polo-shirts and cardigans.


We believe that wearing a uniform marks a step in the child’s life, showing their belonging to a setting and giving a child a sense of belonging and pride, whilst enabling them to recognise their peers in the setting and bring familiarity. 











In order to give parent and child more choice and to support individual preferences, we have several colours to choose from. If parents choose to provide a uniform for their child, we would like the child to wear  a polo shirt (blue, black or purple) and / or a zip through hooded cardigan (navy or pink).  These can be purchased from the setting, please ask a member of staff who will be happy to help.




If you require any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact us on 0161 225 2529 or email



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